Clues Pointing To Signed, Sealed, Delivered For Christmas's Big Twist

 Author's Note: This article contains spoilers for the 2014 Hallmark film "Signed, Sealed, Delivered For Christmas". Please do not read any further if you have not seen this movie yet.

The 2014 Hallmark film "Signed, Sealed, Delivered For Christmas" finds the POSTables Oliver, Shane, Norman and Rita, with the help of a charismatic young man named Jordan Marley, trying to help a young girl's Christmas wish come true. About halfway through the movie, however, Oliver discovers a shocking secret about Jordan-he's actually an angel. However, if you pay close attention, you can actually see that there are actually several clues that point to his very twist throughout the movie. Those clues are as follows.

1. When Jordan first introduces himself to Shane, Norman and Rita, he addresses them by their names, despite the fact that none of them are shown to have told him their names. 

2. During the Christmas Ball scene, although we see Jordan get a plate of food, we never actually see him eating it. While this is seemingly contradicted later on when we see Jordan drinking a bottle of Yoo-Hoo, this could be explained by the fact that the food was "Surf 'n' Turf" (i.e. shrimp and steak) while Yoo-Hoo is primarily made from a combination of water, high-fructose corn syrup and whey. In other words, Jordan, as an angel, might have reservations about eating food from dead animals but doesn't have the same reservations about consuming something made from live animals (Whey, one of the ingredients in Yoo-Hoo, is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained.)

3. When the POSTables are preparing for the Christmas pageant, Jordan declines their offer to play an angel. Which makes perfect sense after the twist-Jordan doesn't need to PLAY an angel because he already IS one.

4. He seems to know what was in Shane's letter to God even before it was opened.

5. During his conversation with Oliver over the origin of the word "turf" during the Christmas Ball dinner, Jordan is shown to have an extensive knowledge of Latin, a "dead" language. Presumably, as an angel, he would not only know Latin but every other language in existence as well. 

There may have been other clues pointing to Jordan's true identity in this movie, but those were the ones that stuck out to me the most. Did you notice any of these clues POSTables? Were there any clues you noticed that I might have missed? Let me know in the comments section below.


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