
Showing posts with the label Treehouse Of Horror

Top Ten "Treehouse Of Horror" Episodes I've Seen

 Tonight, Fox will air the 35th episode in "The Simpsons" annual "Treehouse Of Horror" Halloween specials. To celebrate the milestone, I have decided to rank the top ten "Treehouse Of Horror" episodes that I've seen. As with my other rankings, the episodes will be ranked according to their rating on the Internet Movie Database, or IMDB. The episodes are ranked as follows. 1. Treehouse Of Horror V Premiere Date: October 30, 1994 IMDB Rating: 9.2 IMDB Summary: "The family's job at Mr. Burns' country estate goes awry when Homer goes mad; Homer's attempt to repair a toaster results in inadvertent time travel; The school staff turns cannibalistic." 2. Treehouse Of Horror IV Premiere Date: October 28, 1993 IMDB Rating: 8.8 IMDB Summary: "Homer sells his soul to the Devil for a donut, Bar contends with a gremlin on the side of the school bus which only he can see, and the family discovers that Mr. Burns is a vampire." 3. Treeho...