
Showing posts with the label The Way Home Hallmark Theories

Who Is Casey Goodwin?

     Author's Note: The character of Casey Goodwin in "The Way Home" was introduced as a non-binary character on the show. Out of respect for both the character and their actress, this article will refer to Casey using the terms "They/Them". During Season Two of "The Way Home", viewers were introduced to Casey Goodwin (Vaughan Murrae), who claimed to be the grandchild of the recently deceased Evelyn Goodwin (Susan Hamann). While the season two finale hinted that Casey was not who they claimed to be when it was revealed that they were wearing a ring identical to the ring that Kat (Chyler Leigh) gave to Alice (Sadie Laflamme-Snow), last night's episode (titled "I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song") raised more questions about Casey's identity. Near the end of the episode, Alice goes to The Point to meet with Noah (Alexander Eling). During their meeting, they are introduced to Max Goodwin, the grandson of Evelyn and son of Lewis...

"The Way Home" Renewed For Second Season At Hallmark Channel is reporting that Hallmark Channel's newest original series, "The Way Home", has been renewed for a second season. The series, which premiered on January 15, revolves around a teenage girl named Alice Dhawan (Sadie Laflamme-Snow) who discovers she has the power to travel through time after traveling back to the year 1999, where she meets her mother Kat Landry (Chyler Leigh) as a teenager (Alex Hook). "The Way Home" also stars Andie McDowell ("Cedar Cove") as Alice's grandmother and Kat's mother Del Landry and Evan Williams as Elliot Augustine, Alice's science teacher and Kat's potential love interest. Season 1 continues this Sunday March 5 with Episode 7, "The End Of The World As We Know It"

"The Way Home"-Jacob's disappearance and the Stable Time Loop Theory

       Hello. First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wesley Eversole. I have been an avid watcher of Hallmark Channel for about four years now and have watched almost all of their series, including their most recent series, "The Way Home", which premiered on January 15. If you are not familiar with the series, let me give you a basic rundown on the premise.     The series basically revolves around the main  character, Alice Dhawan (played by Sadie Laflamme-Snow) discovering that she has the ability to travel through time and jumping into a pond out in the woods behind her maternal grandmother, Del Landry's (Andie McDowell) family farm. She travels back to 1999, where she meets her mother, Kat (Alex Hook) as a teenager.      "The Way Home" has several mysteries but by far the most prominent is the  disappearance of Kat's younger brother Jacob (Remy Smith) during a Fall Festival in 1999. In the series' most recent episo...