
Showing posts with the label The Simpsons

Top Ten "Treehouse Of Horror" Episodes I've Seen

 Tonight, Fox will air the 35th episode in "The Simpsons" annual "Treehouse Of Horror" Halloween specials. To celebrate the milestone, I have decided to rank the top ten "Treehouse Of Horror" episodes that I've seen. As with my other rankings, the episodes will be ranked according to their rating on the Internet Movie Database, or IMDB. The episodes are ranked as follows. 1. Treehouse Of Horror V Premiere Date: October 30, 1994 IMDB Rating: 9.2 IMDB Summary: "The family's job at Mr. Burns' country estate goes awry when Homer goes mad; Homer's attempt to repair a toaster results in inadvertent time travel; The school staff turns cannibalistic." 2. Treehouse Of Horror IV Premiere Date: October 28, 1993 IMDB Rating: 8.8 IMDB Summary: "Homer sells his soul to the Devil for a donut, Bar contends with a gremlin on the side of the school bus which only he can see, and the family discovers that Mr. Burns is a vampire." 3. Treeho...

Top Ten Valentine's Day Episodes I've Seen

 This Wednesday, February 14, is Valentine's Day. To celebrate the milestone, I thought I would rank the top ten Valentine's Day television episodes that I have seen. Episodes are ranked according to their rating on the Internet Movie Database, or IMDB. 1. The Wonder Years-"The St. Valentine's Day Massacre" Premiere Date: February 13, 1990 on ABC IMDB Rating: 8.6 IMDB Summary: "On Valentine's Day with Winnie upset at him, Kevin decides to send her a valentine to try and win her over. However, his plan goes awry when the valentine is accidentally sent to Becky Slater, who then thinks that Kevin wants her back." 2. The Simpsons-"I Love Lisa" Premiere Date: February 11, 1993 on Fox IMDB Rating: 8.4 IMDB Summary: "Lisa gives Ralph a Valentine's card out of pity, but soon regrets it when he develops an unwanted crush on her." 3.  Spongebob Squarepants-"Valentine's Day/The Paper" Premiere Date: February 14, 2000 on Nic...

Top Ten Thanksgiving Episodes I've Seen

 With today, November 23, being Thanksgiving, I thought I would rank the top ten Thanksgiving episodes of television series that I have seen. The episodes are ranked according to their rating on the Internet Movie Database, or IMDB. 1. The Wonder Years-"The Ties That Bind" Premiere Date: November 14, 1990 on ABC IMDB Rating: 8.3 IMDB Summary: "Money is tight around the Arnold household, and things don't look so good when the kitchen stove finally dies. Jack goes to NORCOM to ask for a raise, and gets it, as well as a promotion. With the new stove in the kitchen, it seems the Arnolds problems are over, until it becomes clear that Jack won't be back for Thanksgiving Dinner." 2. Hey Arnold!-"Arnold's Thanksgiving" Premiere Date: November 23, 1998 on Nickelodeon IMDB Rating: 8.0 IMDB Summary: "Arnold is fed up with the bickering amongst the boarders and sets out to find the true meaning of the holiday." 3. Rocko's Modern Life-"Tu...

Top Ten Halloween Episodes Of TV Shows That I've Seen

 Next Tuesday, October 31, is Halloween. To celebrate the occasion, I will be listed the Top Ten Halloween Episodes of TV shows that I've seen. The episodes are ranked according to their rating on the Internet Movie Database, or IMDB. The episodes are ranked as follows 1. The Simpsons-"Treehouse Of Horror V" Premiere Date: October 30, 1994 on Fox IMDB Rating: 9.2 IMDB Summary: "The family's job at Mr. Burns' country estate goes awry when Homer goes mad; Homer's attempt to repair a toaster results in inadvertent time travel; The school staff turns cannibalistic." 2. The Simpsons-"Treehouse Of Horror IV" Premiere Date: October 28, 1993 on Fox IMDB Rating: 8.8 IMDB Summary: "Homer sells his soul to the Devil for a donut, Bart contends with a gremlin on the school bus which only he can see, and the family discovers that Mr. Burns is a vampire." 3. The Simpsons-"Treehouse Of Horror VI" Premiere Date: October 29, 1995 on Fox I...

Top Ten Episodes Of "The Simpsons" According To The Internet Movie Database

 Today, October 1, the 35th episode of "The Simpsons", the longest running prime time animated series of all time, will debut on Fox. To celebrate the series premiere, I have decided to list the top ten episodes in series history as rated by fans on the Internet Movie Database, or IMDB. 1. Homer's Enemy Premiere Date: May 4, 1997 IMDB Rating: 9.3 IMDB Summary: "Homer's laziness begets the ire of his industrious but arrogant new co-worker Frank Grimes; Bart buys a run-down factory for a dollar." 2. You Only Move Twice Premiere Date: November 3, 1996 IMDB Rating: 9.2 IMDB Summary: "The Simpsons move to Cypress Creek, where Homer unwittingly works for a charismatic supervillain; the rest of the family struggles with the transfer." 3. Cape Feare Premiere Date: October 7, 1993 IMDB Rating: 9.2 IMDB Summary: "After being released from prison on parole, Sideshow Bob plots to murder Bart." 4. Treehouse Of Horror V Premiere Date: October 30, 1994 ...