"The Santa Class" Addresses This Longtime Business Practice
Tonight, Hallmark Channel premiered its newest Countdown To Christmas movie "The Santa Class". While the movie's main plot revolves around the lead characters Dan (Benjamin Ayres) and Kate (Kimberley Sustad) training a potential group of Mall Santas at Kate's North Star Academy, there was one scene early in the movie that addressed a controversial real life issue. In this scene, Dan is informed by his boss Blaise (Alessandro Miro) that he is being fired from their company, The Saint Nicholas Academy. In attempting to justify his decision, Blaise claims that the company CEOs need the money for their year end bonuses. However, Dan brings up a very good point, asking Blaise why the CEOs can't just take a cut on their bonuses instead. In an era where Hallmark Channel has begun to address real life issues that families face, this is a very good question to ask, especially at Christmas time. According to the AFL-CIO's official website, the average CEO to wo...