
Showing posts with the label Hallmark Channel

The Ten Best "Good Witch" episodes According to IMDB

 Today, February 28th, marks the 8th anniversary of the premiered of the "Good Witch" television series on Hallmark Channel. To celebrate the occasion, I've decided to list the series' ten best episodes as ranked by fans on the Internet Movie Database, or IMDB. I will include a link to IMDB's list below. # 10-The Chocolates (Season 6, Episode 8) # 9-The Forever Tree, Part Two (Season 5, Episode 2) # 8-The Dream (Season 6, Episode 6) # 7-Apologies And Remembrances A.KA. Starting Over (Season 1, Episode 1) # 6-The Graduation (Season 5, Episode 10) # 5-The Tableau (Season 6, Episode 7) # 4-The Mandala (Season 6, Episode 5) # 3-Homecoming (Season 1, Episode 9) # 2-The Bird (Season 6, Episode 10) # 1-The Enchantress Unites, Part Two (2016 Halloween Special),desc&ref_=tt_eps_rhs_sm